FATUM Interview Part 3

Paul: All this stuff about protests against the election of Putin is just a mockery. In Russia there is absolutly no real opposition, and now there is no chance that it can appear. For real, only liberals do such "protests" to advertise themselves and get more money. System encages people in their own life problems creating tons of shit like specialy just for us to solve. Personaly now I see no other ways to protest but to take no compromises in our life paths and to aim for thing we realy need and don't let them to buy us or cheat us with their inversed morals.There were real punk protests but more often about shit we got strictly suffered from like when some punks got beaten real hard by cops, or when ecologists protesting against cutting down the forest to build the fair-road got beaten by boneheads by the order of some criminals involved in this road construction. After this protest on TV you see only short mentioning that "some football fans made some riots" because they don't want anyone to know that such things even can happen. About the problems in Ukraine I see no protests, but there is an insane struggle still on the border in Donbass and lots of boneheads went to military operations taking place there just to have some fun killing people. So some antifascists went there to fight them to prevent them coming back from war with even more perversed mind and bloodthirsty. That's what our song Life Lost is about.

Could you tell me more about the Donbass situation? As we don't get much information about the Ukranian situation in Japan where most information are from American media and not in detail at all. They were mostly like «Ukraina wants democracy and join EU and the US supports it. But Russian government interferes with it». 

Tsyrik: When the Ukrainian revolution happened it caused military actions in the east part of Ukraine where lots of Russian people dwell.  Since the war started there were also some rebel forces who have been known as Lugansk people republic and Donetsk people republic. There was a terrible slaughter and genocide of civilians by the Ukrainian army forces and it was  especially hot there in the first months of the conflict. Ukrainian armies assaulted the East of the country with heavy artillery, pro Russian authonomic forces fought them back and still do. 

It should be said that lots of ultra right nazis took a part and became huge power in the Ukranian revolutionary action, then they formed their own army forces which are consisted of nazis and are officially sponsored by the Ukrainian government, such as Azov battalion and some others. They are the first line of this conflict from the Ukrainian side, so lots of Russian ultra right cunts joined to fight against pro Russian rebels. These boneheads are exactly mentioned by Pavel- they were doing time in prisons or were wanted here in Russia for killing in the streets, so they moved Ukraine and made careers in the state army or police forces of Ukraine. Meanwhile some Russian atifascists along with different other people joined pro Russian rebels and fought against Ukraine nazi army forces. That’s all I know on that case, lots of political propaganda takes place so its hard to be objective discussing all of the affairs Western and Russian media show the polarized situations from visions of only their own profits. But death and dying of civilians is the only result, people killed, dwellings destroyed for nothing - total crazy militant shit, our songs “Death Holder” and “ Life Lost” are reflection on this terrible war crime. 

I see… It is difficult to imagine that Russian far-right joins Ukrainian army to just kill Russian-Ukrainian people.
Recently I read some articles about present Russian contemporary thought. One was by this dangerous guy Aleksandr Dugin (it was some part of his book: “The Fourth Political Theory” which was in a philosophy magazine here) who was a leading organizer of the National Bolshevik Part and other related stuff and whose philosophy is somehow based on this Italian neonazi/occultist philosopher Julius Evola. I read Dugin is close with Putin and has some extreme imperial-nationalistic/fascistic ideas through Neo-Paganism (like Paganism could be related to Slavic Myth and it criticizes modern “progress” and leads people to more like fascist direction) or Neo-Eurasianism. The magazine I read also said that now Russian contemporary thought could be divided into three: Liberalism, Communism and Nationalism. And they are usually totally separated like each is a different world. Do you have any thought on this kind of stuff and current Russian condition on politics/philosophy? As Russia has had many influential people in its history in terms of these. 

Paul: About Dugin:Today Dugin has nothing common with National Bolshevik Part and he never was into neopaganism. He is orthodox Christian with a weird understanding of Neoplatonism. I don't know a lot about his thoughts but I know about the concept of Traditionalism he supports and promotes. It's another new understanding of neoplatonic philosophy. used to criticise modern world as world of spiritual downfall.

The real bad thing about him is that the way to fight that downfall that he sees is to build a state with a strong authority ruled by Emperor-philosopher that will be built on synthesis of Christian model of the kingdom of heaven, Plato's Politeia and ancient Indian caste society. Their idea is to built society reflecting metaphysical structure of world that will force the real world to merge with kingdom of heaven. Instead of Julius Evola better be mentioned Rene Guenon and his "The Crisis of the Modern World". For a long time he opposed Putin, but later he saw him as enough strong leader that can lead us to Imperialism that is the first step to his project of concervative revolution, so he has started supporting him. 

But he is not really popular in Russia, people found him asocial, cause he looks like he probably suffers megalomamia and sometimes talk totally insane shit like that God is against Internet or that all beardless men are homosexuals and perverts ahhahaha. So he lost his job at Moscow State University because professor can't be involved so much into politics, and that's it. 
In todays Russia philosophical thought i see nothing coloful. And political thought is realy divided on Liberalism, Communism and Nationalism that are always totally against at each other and can have no constructive dialogue. Our condition I see as wildness cause of downfall of humanitarian education and loss of interest of most of people to anything but freedom of consumption they finaly got after USSR broke up and the Iron Curtain fell down.

It's really interesting to know how Dugin is seen there. 
By the way, do you have any thought (either politically or philosophically) that you currently believe or sympathize? I bet it's not those three political views. Probably Anarchism?
But not sure how Communism in general is perceived there now as the country whose history has the "failure" of Communism. Like when you see the US now, Bernie Sanders, a socialist politician and the former candidate for the Democratic party's presidential election some years ago, is still popular among non-liberal leftists. And in UK, the leader of Labor Party Jeremy Corbyn is seen as Marxist. So in those "First world" countries, Communism or other related thoughts are reconsidered as a realistic way of actions or life (in Japan it doesn't seem like that though. There are many "liberals" and a few leftists and almost no anarchists. Same in the hardcore punk scene). Let me know if you think anything on this. 

FATUM Interview Part 4

Paul: I feel frustrated about any hope for political ways to change our lives for better. No one needs and no one cares about guys like us, common people think we are just stuck in our childhood for too long. Even if we have a nice relationships with people around us, our kin and them have too different dreams inside of us. Lots of people still think that we are some insane satanists, but this is just because we have too much of a different basis of ethics. I can't trust or sympathize to any political movement because for any of them we are too inorganic. 

In Russia communism is seen like some retro stuff for grannies. It's supported by people feeling nostalgic for the old days and for the country they grew up in, because USSR and RF are pretty different countries in some ways and in some days they lost all that they believed in, when idealistic Soviet image of our country crushed and it's true face was revealed. 

I don't know if it’s good or bad that there is some communists in the "first world”. For real i think it means nothing, because splitting human thought on a few directions opposing each other is for real a "mental cold war" situation... or maybe just a delirium of society that consists of people feeling finally lost. We all better think about how to be real Humans not pieces of shit.

Well, let’s go back to more stories of the band. You have toured and played shows in Europe. How do you feel about those experiences meeting local punks in every city? Some years ago I have traveled to Europe, from France, Germany, UK to Poland, Serbia, Macedonia and Greece and of course I felt some differences especially between “West” and “East”.

Tsyrik: We went on tours in Europe for several times and all the time we got mostly positive experience and brought a shitload of unforgettable moments and funniest stories ever. Touring is the main point for every a band along with making albums. For me personally this is the best thing I can do in my life or one from this short list of my activities. 

We saw completely another life when we started going abroad to gigs, and there’s no need to compare lives in our country and in the west because of it’s absolutely different- mentality, life styles, abilities, local customs and features of all kinds. I just can say that it is much more productive to tour Europe than Russia. The venues and people are mostly incredible. P. A. systems are also on high level so most gigs are really amazing. DIY punk culture has old roots on the west and for Russia it is quite young and odd in some ways…. But I should admit that support on Russian gigs is much more insane, wilder and more powerful than in Europe. Huge pogo and slamming at every gig, so Russia is also a place to be toured at. Foreign bands are usually stunned with the support they get here… tour life is awesome and it is worth all the odds we have to face with to manage it and make it happen. 

I saw pictures on your Facebook page, some “big” bands like Discharge, Antisect, Mob 47, and recently Power Trip have played in Moscow. How were those shows?

Tsyrik: Those shows were top notch, and the gig with Discharge was the best and the most significant for me. It was the first gig we played with the current line up. We were nervous and got pissed very fast to calm down a bit but at last we did well and it was a great night. Guys from DISCHARGE were amazing. We drank Russian vodka together until Rat got too drunk hahaha. It was splendid. 

The mini tour with INSTINCT OF SURVIVAL that took place last Summer was also a total RISE OF CRUST. We met our real brothers from another mother. Those were the greatest gigs and party time for last several years here.

You have a song called “The Man behind the Sun” and mentioned Unit 731. How did you get the idea to sing about this notorious brutal unit of our embarrassing ancestors?

Tsyrik: I was deep into this dreadful story of 731 unit, reading the facts and details of it shocked me to the bone so that’s why the song appeared. The title was taken from the movie THE MAN BEHIND THE SUN which shows all the shocking terror and disgust of their activity in China during the war. Sick shit… 

There are, of course, some historical revisionists here who insist that the whole facts of Unit 731 are fabrication by China or leftists in Japan…
What do you usually do besides playing in the band?

Tsyrik: Play in other bands! They take all my spare time, drinking and raising hell is also our big duty here hahah… also should say that there’s no welfare for the unemployed so we have to go to bloody work and it takes a big deal of time too which sucks.

I just watched a new Russian movie “Loveless” (Нелюбовь) by Andrey Zvyagintsev. It was a very depressive and sad story where solitude in this modern society encroaches humanity. Have you seen the movie? Do you think it represents today’s Russian society?

Tsyrik: Sorry I do not know about the movie but our drummer said he’s seen it and tells its quite honest representation of some Russian realities.

What is your image towards Japan in general or Japanese hardcore punk? Do you have any bands you like from here?

Tsyrik: We always have been keen on Japanese scene and bands- huge addicts of it. Mostly hc punk, but metal also, and some other genres as well. 


Modern scene is also very different and insanely crushing. Axewield, Isterismo, Akka, Zay, Disturd and many more - all that I heard is intense and very powerful. We will be happy as fuck to share the scene with some of these bands on our Japanese tour!!! 

Any last words to punks in Japan? Anything you want to do during the upcoming Japan tour?

Tsyrik: Looking forward to our together tour with Zay!!! No doubts that visiting Japan will be one of the most exciting things in our lives. Excited about it as fuck and waiting for it with the hugest interest and feeling of complete happiness!!!
HOPEFULLY SEE YOU SOON PUNKS OF JAPAN!!! Thanks for amazing interview, Satoshi! Cheers from Moscow!


To order write to distortba@dtepunk.com


A new Radioactive song from the upcoming split 7" with EEL (Doomed To Extinction DTE30).

MASSACRE 68, Sept 2018 Canadian Tour

September 1- Quebec City
September 4- Montreal
September 5- Trois- Reveieres
September 6- Rimouski
September 7- Moncton
September 8- Truro
September 9- Halifax
September 10- Charlottetown
September 13- Sherbrooke
September 14- Montreal
September 15- Toronto
September 21- Kingston
September 22- Ottawa